Saturday, September 13, 2008

Safe and Sound

Kaleb (and the rest of our family) made it through the hurricane safe and sound!

More good news, Sara will be able to start trying breastfeeding soon, way before we thought it would be possible. In fact, she could have tried today according to the doctor's orders, but there was some miscommunication with the nurse (who was flown in from El Paso to help out during the storm).

Speaking of the hospital staff, they are amazing. These nurses have been and will be on throughout the weekend, trading twelve hour shifts and sleeping in random waiting rooms and reception areas. On top of that, the hospital lost its primary generator early in the storm. And although the back-up generator is plenty strong to run all the essential equipment, it can't power the air conditioning. Plus, the water isn't working, which means no toilets... fun stuff.

Anyway, we were the lucky ones. Despite significant damage to much of Southeast Texas, no one from our family was hurt, and no one sustained more than superficial damage to their houses. As you can tell from the pictures, there's nothing too bad: just killed the power, busted up the fence pretty good, knocked off some shingles, and forced a couple of small leaks in the house. You can tell how strong the wind was blowing though. The whole first half of the storm it was coming straight down our street and right up to the front door. And it caused the section of framing holding the door and entryway windows to flex inward enough to crack that whole area just outside of the section. Luckily, they all held!

And to lighten the mood, Kaleb busted out his Kung Fu Baby impression when we got to hospital.

1 comment:

lo said...

Your baby is soooo cute!! I was just visiting different blogs and got amazed with this one. You seem to be such great parents.. . and the baby is beautiful! congratulations!