Thursday, September 4, 2008

Getting Comfortable

We're starting to settle in to our role as NICU parents. It's tough seeing our baby hooked up to a bunch of monitors, with wires and tubes peeking out from beneath his blanket, but the nurses and doctors are wonderful. And Kaleb also has a few neighbors with very nice parents that have been in this situation much longer than we have.

Today, we got to start feeding Kaleb real food (kind of). The doctors inserted a feeding tube, and we're allowed to give him 5 mL's of milk every three hours. He is still getting most of his nutrition through the IV, but this little bit of milk will help get his digestive system ready for the real deal. (Typically, Kaleb's digestive system wouldn't be fully developed for another couple of weeks.)

We also learned that Kaleb is already quite the character.

Kaleb "The Bulldog" Davis:

Kaleb's Yoda impression:

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