Friday, March 5, 2010

First Haircut

We waited as long as we could (17 months), but Kaleb finally HAD to have his hair cut. Those curls were absolutely beautiful....except when it was dry outside. Then he looked like a shaggy kid who lived in a cardboard box (and it was an even better look with his chipped tooth....). :)

So one morning, my mom and I got his favorite booster seat and a cup of juice, placed him in front of Sesame Street, and my little baby was transformed into a little boy. I thought that I'd be sad and really miss his curls, but I had NO idea how cute he'd look with a haircut! And who's to say those curls won't come back? I mean, look at his daddy's hair!!!

HAHA!! Just wanted a reason to put this picture on the blog. This was at the Houston Marathon in January. Josh cut his hair into what he calls a "mul-hawk"...a mullet/mohawk combination. BUT, this picture does prove my point about the curls. He has since had his hair cut by a professional. :)


Tabaitha said...

So cute! I wish Mason did as well with haircuts as Kaleb. We actually gave him one today and it's nothing but tears until I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a new blog post and no mention of the little bro or pictures...just wondering when this site is going to become Kaleb & Colton's crib...??? :) We would LOVE some pics!

Sara said...

Calm down....was just doing some catching up before we forgot about those 2 events. :) Colton pics coming soon!! Hopefully today....unless a nap seems more important....