On Monday, my contractions started hurting more than usual, so when Josh went to work on Tuesday, I told him to just make sure that I could ALWAYS get a hold of him. I spent Tuesday morning running some very important errands (like getting Meadow's nails trimmed LOL) and timing contractions (which were about 6 or 7 minutes apart). At noon, I laid down and timed them for an hour, thinking that maybe they wouldn't be as bad if I was resting. After that hour was over, they were about 12 minutes apart, but I called my doctor anyway. She wanted me to come in so she could see what was going on. Josh came home from work to get me, and at 3 PM, we were told that I was 3 to 4 cm dilated! (Kaleb was conveniently already spending the week at his Nanny and Grampy's house.)
So at 4 PM, we were checked in at the hospital and just waiting for the fun to begin. Eventually, the doctor broke my water, which led to me NEEDING an epidural almost immediately. And at 7:18 PM, Colton was born. It all happened so fast! He was just a tiny bit too small so the nurses took him to the NICU for the transition period. While he was there, he had his first bottle (which was 30 mLs...it took Kaleb 2 weeks to get to that amount!). They ended up keeping him over night for observation; in the morning, he was sent down to the "big baby" nursery. :)

5:00 PM - We decided that we should take one last belly picture.
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