Friday, March 26, 2010
Colton's Due Date

Tuesday (March 23rd) was Colton's official due date. He weighed in at 7.8 pounds! What a chunker!! At this rate, he is going to beat all of Kaleb's preemie records. :) Colt is now wearing newborn size diapers and some newborn outfits. This picture is our final "belly" picture (check out my short hair)!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Colt's First Official Bath
Book Nerd
Monday, March 15, 2010
****Let me start out this post by officially informing everyone that I changed both the NAME and the ADDRESS of this blog. It is now: (if you try to go to it will NOT work). Update your bookmarks!****
Last week we went on our first big adventure as a family of 4 -- we went to the Houston Zoo! Kaleb had a great time riding around in his wagon and seeing the animals; Colton had a great time sleeping and eating. It was supposed to be an overcast day with mild spring temperatures, but it turned out hot and sunny. Go figure, right? Just 2 1/2 weeks ago it was snowing!
This was probably our third or fourth stop. Kaleb was already hot and tired. He bounced right back though. Just had to get some "lunch" into him.
Trying to get a better look at those crazy Okapis.
Pointing is Kaleb's specialty.
We did not intend for this to be lunch....but it was, so we win the terrible parents award for the day. Kaleb ate cotton candy, Dippin' Dots, and a bite of snow cone for lunch. In all fairness, we didn't think we'd stay at the zoo that long (and would get lunch when we left); this was meant to be a snack--intentionally full of sugar--to keep him going so we could make it to the Children's Zoo. How were we to know that he'd have so much fun that we'd stay until 3? :)
Kaleb loved the petting zoo. I was proud of him for not pulling the goat's ears or beard.
A picture of Colton to prove he was there! This is all he did the whole time...well this and eat.
Colton and Mommy. A few people were rather surprised to see such a small baby at the zoo...what? He's like 6 pounds! Comparatively, that's big for us.
Kaleb and Daddy. We got soooo many compliments on his mohawk and blue eyes. Oh, and someone commented on his teeth. I believe the exact comment was "Wow - what a perfect smile! Look at his teeth!" Haha. Those teeth weren't free, ya know. :)
Last week we went on our first big adventure as a family of 4 -- we went to the Houston Zoo! Kaleb had a great time riding around in his wagon and seeing the animals; Colton had a great time sleeping and eating. It was supposed to be an overcast day with mild spring temperatures, but it turned out hot and sunny. Go figure, right? Just 2 1/2 weeks ago it was snowing!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Post by Kaleb
Hi. This is Kaleb.
2 weeks ago I went to stay at my Nanny and Grampy's house so my mom could get some good rest on the couch. Apparently I am a lot to handle (and also, she gained a lot of weight so I think that had something to do with her "condition"). Anyway, all I know is that I was playing and having a great time--Aunt Lauren was teaching me to skip, and Grampy was teaching me to jump--when all of a sudden, we had to go to a hospital. I've been told that I spent a few weeks in a hospital but still have no idea what one is. I was also confused because it was definitely my bed time when Nanny and Aunt Lauren loaded me up in the car.
When we got to the hospital, we walked through a lot of hallways and ended up in a room....and Mommy was there! She wasn't at home on the couch where she was supposed to be! Bad Mommy! My first thought was that she must be at some sort of weight-loss camp because her tummy was not nearly as big (and her belly button was not nearly as fun to poke), but then everyone kept telling me that I was now a "big brother". A WHAT? Eventually, Daddy showed up, and started telling us about my "little brother". WAIT, WHAT? Daddy took Nanny and Aunt Lauren to go see this thing, and then eventually Nanny took me back to my house. It was the weirdest night of my life.
The next day, Nanny took me back to see Mommy and Daddy, and when I walked into their room, my whole life changed. There was this little, pink-ish, and grunting thing in Daddy's arms. Did we get another puppy? No? Well then this must be the "little brother" they mentioned last night...whatever that is. They say his name is Colton. He's pretty tiny, and I like to point at him. I'm not allowed to head-butt him, which is my main form of affection these days so that's gonna be tough. I'm also not allowed kiss him on the face if my nose is runny. Oh, and I have to be gentle ALL of the time when I'm around him and share with him. So far, he's only taken my baby furniture, which is cool because I'm a big boy now. I do like to share my matchbox cars with him, but he doesn't really know what to do with them. I also tried sharing my blanket, but Mommy freaked out and said it was "germy" and "stinky" so not to put it in his bed. Well I've got news for Mommy: Colton is stinky sometimes, too. Anyway, he's a cool brother. He just sleeps and eats, which means I get all of the playtime. (I've been told that this will not always be the case.) I think we're keeping him.
Kaleb's first peek at Colton.
Not sure why Josh gets the hug...he didn't do the hard work...
Kaleb loves to point at him!
Too sweet.
Trying to unswaddle Colton to get a better look.
The best part of the hospital, in Kaleb's opinion....the wheelchair.

Nope. Mischevious!
Woman's Hospital brought Kaleb a "sibling cake" to celebrate.
2 weeks ago I went to stay at my Nanny and Grampy's house so my mom could get some good rest on the couch. Apparently I am a lot to handle (and also, she gained a lot of weight so I think that had something to do with her "condition"). Anyway, all I know is that I was playing and having a great time--Aunt Lauren was teaching me to skip, and Grampy was teaching me to jump--when all of a sudden, we had to go to a hospital. I've been told that I spent a few weeks in a hospital but still have no idea what one is. I was also confused because it was definitely my bed time when Nanny and Aunt Lauren loaded me up in the car.
When we got to the hospital, we walked through a lot of hallways and ended up in a room....and Mommy was there! She wasn't at home on the couch where she was supposed to be! Bad Mommy! My first thought was that she must be at some sort of weight-loss camp because her tummy was not nearly as big (and her belly button was not nearly as fun to poke), but then everyone kept telling me that I was now a "big brother". A WHAT? Eventually, Daddy showed up, and started telling us about my "little brother". WAIT, WHAT? Daddy took Nanny and Aunt Lauren to go see this thing, and then eventually Nanny took me back to my house. It was the weirdest night of my life.
The next day, Nanny took me back to see Mommy and Daddy, and when I walked into their room, my whole life changed. There was this little, pink-ish, and grunting thing in Daddy's arms. Did we get another puppy? No? Well then this must be the "little brother" they mentioned last night...whatever that is. They say his name is Colton. He's pretty tiny, and I like to point at him. I'm not allowed to head-butt him, which is my main form of affection these days so that's gonna be tough. I'm also not allowed kiss him on the face if my nose is runny. Oh, and I have to be gentle ALL of the time when I'm around him and share with him. So far, he's only taken my baby furniture, which is cool because I'm a big boy now. I do like to share my matchbox cars with him, but he doesn't really know what to do with them. I also tried sharing my blanket, but Mommy freaked out and said it was "germy" and "stinky" so not to put it in his bed. Well I've got news for Mommy: Colton is stinky sometimes, too. Anyway, he's a cool brother. He just sleeps and eats, which means I get all of the playtime. (I've been told that this will not always be the case.) I think we're keeping him.

Nope. Mischevious!
Colton Isaac
I am getting MANY requests for pictures of Colton and details about his birth, so I'll try to keep this post short and leave out the gross details. :)
On Monday, my contractions started hurting more than usual, so when Josh went to work on Tuesday, I told him to just make sure that I could ALWAYS get a hold of him. I spent Tuesday morning running some very important errands (like getting Meadow's nails trimmed LOL) and timing contractions (which were about 6 or 7 minutes apart). At noon, I laid down and timed them for an hour, thinking that maybe they wouldn't be as bad if I was resting. After that hour was over, they were about 12 minutes apart, but I called my doctor anyway. She wanted me to come in so she could see what was going on. Josh came home from work to get me, and at 3 PM, we were told that I was 3 to 4 cm dilated! (Kaleb was conveniently already spending the week at his Nanny and Grampy's house.)
So at 4 PM, we were checked in at the hospital and just waiting for the fun to begin. Eventually, the doctor broke my water, which led to me NEEDING an epidural almost immediately. And at 7:18 PM, Colton was born. It all happened so fast! He was just a tiny bit too small so the nurses took him to the NICU for the transition period. While he was there, he had his first bottle (which was 30 took Kaleb 2 weeks to get to that amount!). They ended up keeping him over night for observation; in the morning, he was sent down to the "big baby" nursery. :)

5:00 PM - We decided that we should take one last belly picture.
7:18 PM - Colton came out SCREAMING! 5 pounds, 3 ounces, 17" long. And actually at this point he still had no name. (Kaleb was 4 pounds, 1.6 ounces, and also 17" long.)

On Monday, my contractions started hurting more than usual, so when Josh went to work on Tuesday, I told him to just make sure that I could ALWAYS get a hold of him. I spent Tuesday morning running some very important errands (like getting Meadow's nails trimmed LOL) and timing contractions (which were about 6 or 7 minutes apart). At noon, I laid down and timed them for an hour, thinking that maybe they wouldn't be as bad if I was resting. After that hour was over, they were about 12 minutes apart, but I called my doctor anyway. She wanted me to come in so she could see what was going on. Josh came home from work to get me, and at 3 PM, we were told that I was 3 to 4 cm dilated! (Kaleb was conveniently already spending the week at his Nanny and Grampy's house.)
So at 4 PM, we were checked in at the hospital and just waiting for the fun to begin. Eventually, the doctor broke my water, which led to me NEEDING an epidural almost immediately. And at 7:18 PM, Colton was born. It all happened so fast! He was just a tiny bit too small so the nurses took him to the NICU for the transition period. While he was there, he had his first bottle (which was 30 took Kaleb 2 weeks to get to that amount!). They ended up keeping him over night for observation; in the morning, he was sent down to the "big baby" nursery. :)

5:00 PM - We decided that we should take one last belly picture.
Friday, March 5, 2010
First Haircut
We waited as long as we could (17 months), but Kaleb finally HAD to have his hair cut. Those curls were absolutely beautiful....except when it was dry outside. Then he looked like a shaggy kid who lived in a cardboard box (and it was an even better look with his chipped tooth....). :)
So one morning, my mom and I got his favorite booster seat and a cup of juice, placed him in front of Sesame Street, and my little baby was transformed into a little boy. I thought that I'd be sad and really miss his curls, but I had NO idea how cute he'd look with a haircut! And who's to say those curls won't come back? I mean, look at his daddy's hair!!!

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