Kaleb's doing great, and he's really enjoying "eating" his milk.

It's very cute because you can tell he can taste the milk even though it is coming through his nose, and he starts moving his mouth almost like he's sucking it down!

We also realized that giving him a pacifier while we're feeding him reinforces this (and will hopefully help move him along to drinking out of a bottle). Plus, what's not to love about a tiny baby sucking on a pacifier that's as big as his head?

The big development today is that Kaleb has been moved under a special UV light because he is a little bit jaundiced. The light will help breakdown the extra bilirubin in his blood that is causing the jaundice.
We were expecting this though. All preemies experience some degree of jaundice, and we were told that Kaleb's bruising made him even more susceptible.
But it's nothing to be concerned about, and he shouldn't have to stay under the light more than a couple of days. Until then, Kaleb's just going to enjoy catching some rays.

Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering: yes, Kaleb does have little chicken legs.
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