Kaleb is up to 29 mL every three hours, and he is downing it no problem! That means he is excruciatingly close to his goal of taking 30 mL in 30 minutes.

And the doctors are taking notice, too. Kaleb has three main goals that he must achieve before he can come home: 1) drink the 30 mL in 30 minutes (oh so close), 2) consistently gain weight (he's on his way), and 3) maintain his temperature when outside his isolette (unclear how well he's doing here but seems pretty good).
In terms of developing and achieving NICU exodus, Kaleb's doctor told us today that she considers Kaleb the Head of His Class. They keep asking things of him that his little body just should not be able to handle, and he keeps on delivering.
Up to this point, no one has really talked dates with us in terms of when Kaleb will be able to come home. It is always discussed in the abstract: in a few weeks, when he's ready, etc.

The consensus seems to be that preemies usually aren't ready to come home until a couple of weeks before their scheduled due date, which would be another four weeks. But today, Kaleb's doctor suggested that he may be ready to come home as early as 35 weeks, which is just NEXT WEEK!!! We're ecstatic that Kaleb is doing so well and know that we are so very blessed that he has not had any problems. We just hope everything keeps going so well.
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