The boys were miserable on Thanksgiving -- they slept all day, and even when they were awake, their eyes were glazed over and they didn't really move much. Needless to say we don't have many pictures of turkey day! (But the adults had a very nice dinner sans children.)

Both boys weren't feeling well but Colt definitely felt the worst. He was taking both acetaminophen AND ibuprofen to bring down his fever. Breaks my heart.

Dinner time.

We went to the doctor early the next morning and found out that Kaleb had RSV-induced walking pneumonia and Colton had RSV. Of course, both also had ear infections. So Colt got to have his first breathing treatment...and now both boys are proud owners of albuterol inhalers. Like every other kid. :/ Needless to say, due to the RSV, every cold they've gotten since Thanksgiving has escalated into something worse. But I can happily say that right at this very moment, NO ONE IN OUR HOUSE IS SICK! Praise the Lord!
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