...to play catch-up! Clearly we've either been busy, the boys have been consuming all of our time, or time is simply flying. (My bet is on all 3!) Anyway, here are some recent-ish photos of our cuties from the last couple of months.

Colt's first hair cut! Thanks, Grandma!!

Kaleb thinks this mask is the best thing since sliced bread. Seriously.

Slip 'n' Slide with Daddy!

I can't stop him from eating. He eats and eats and eats! And then he wakes up crying because he's hungry!

Playing potato heads.

Colton and his best bud, Corbin.

Yay for family photos! Kaleb was ecstatic.

"Hiking" with Uncle Jase. We were in The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

What? A picture with NO KIDS?? That hasn't happened in years!!! lol

Colorado vacation.

Yes - it was cold enough for hats one morning.

Riding his car!

Baby's first watermelon. He loved it. Duh. Who doesn't like watermelon? Oh wait...Kaleb...

This kid right here. ;)

Grandma had him try this hat on because it reminded her of her dad, my Grandpa C. Too cute. (K was actually upset that we didn't buy it.)
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