Tuesday, October 7, 2008
In the Spotlight
Last week we had Kaleb's first professional pictures taken. A good friend of mine from aTm happens to be a photographer, and we were planning on having her take my maternity pictures...but we never exactly got around to it! (We did have a session scheduled for September 13th, though.) So instead, we had her take some pictures of Kaleb and our little family. Erin has posted a sneak preview of our photo shoot on her web site: http://erinbilyciment.blogspot.com/2008/10/itty-bitty-baby.html
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What a Difference a Week Makes
Monday, September 22, 2008
First Bath
Kaleb had his first bath today, and he loved it! No, really. He loved it:
Oh well, at least he had a cute, cuddly towel
to wrap up in afterwards. In fact, he got so comfortable that we .... uh ... had to get him a new towel....
As always, there's more pics at the picasa link to the side. But don't worry, they're all PG ;)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Just a Lazy Sunday
Friday, September 19, 2008
He's So Tiny!
No, the Dogs Didn't Eat Kaleb
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Keeping Our Friends Crossed
Still waiting on the official word, but we're gearing up for Kaleb's homecoming.
Tonight, Sara and I took an infant CPR class with both of our parents and we brought in Kaleb's car seat so the nurses could make sure he'll be okay riding around in it.
We also lost a couple of roommates. Kaleb's "girlfriends," the Keys Twins, got to go home, and Kaleb's next door neighbor also moved out of his isolette. It's been a good week in the NICU.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Look Ma, No Tube
Today was a big day for Kaleb. This morning, he ditched the isolette for a much more comfortable crib, so it no longer looks like our son lives in a terrarium.
It also means that he's maintaining his temperature well (as long as he does well). And with that, Kaleb has accomplished all three of the goals that were the preconditions to him coming home. Of course, we still have to wait for the final okay from the doctor, but it is looking more and more realistic that our baby will be coming home sooner rather than later.
We also got to actually see our baby's face for the first time since the day he was born!
(And, if you remember what he looked like that day, you'll appreciate how excited we were.) He's a handsome little devil. And the more important thing is that the doctors have decided that he is eating on his own well enough that they no longer need the feeding tube as a backup.
We also got to actually see our baby's face for the first time since the day he was born!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Waiting Game
Monday, September 15, 2008
Porker in Training
And Kaleb's momma continues to amaze as well, but for different reasons obviously. Sara is handling motherhood wonderfully, and today she's officially back in her pre-pregnancy jeans (less than two weeks after giving birth!).
Sunday, September 14, 2008
All Bottle All the Time
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Safe and Sound
More good news, Sara will be able to start trying breastfeeding soon, way before we thought it would be possible. In fact, she could have tried today according to the doctor's orders, but there was some miscommunication with the nurse (who was flown in from El Paso to help out during the storm).
Speaking of the hospital staff, they are amazing. These nurses have been and will be on throughout the weekend, trading twelve hour shifts and sleeping in random waiting rooms and reception areas. On top of that, the hospital lost its primary generator early in the storm. And although the back-up generator is plenty strong to run all the essential equipment, it can't power the air conditioning. Plus, the water isn't working, which means no toilets... fun stuff.
And to lighten the mood, Kaleb busted out his Kung Fu Baby impression when we got to hospital.
Dad is Vindicated
So, Josh caught a bunch of crud (literally) when he was holding Kaleb a couple of days ago and Kaleb exploded the diaper that Josh had put on him. But Josh just called up the NICU to check on Kaleb during the hurricane, and he found out that he's not alone. Not only did Kaleb blow out a diaper the nurses had strapped on--he did it so violently that the nurses had to scrub down the walls of his isolette!
Speaking of, what exactly do you think Kaleb is doing here?
Speaking of, what exactly do you think Kaleb is doing here?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Rock Me Like a Hurricane
Well, Hurricane Ike is bearing down on the Houston-area, but Kaleb is none too concerned. He's too busy getting comfy in the brand new NICU unit that they have been renovating and that just opened today.
It's very nice and MUCH larger than the room he had been sharing previously. And they moved the whole room as a group, so everyone's in the same positions, just in a new room (it's nice having familiar faces).
Anyway, Kaleb couldn't really have a care in the world right now. They've continued to increase his milk intake so that he can eventually be weened off of the IV fluids, but now they will be administering 2 of his 8 feedings through his nose tube so that he doesn't get worn out and burn off too many calories just by eating.
We wanted to stay with him through the night (the hurricane is supposed to hit in the middle of the night), but there was a rumor that the hospital would be kicking everyone out at 7 PM. And since that was about the time that the winds were supposed to start really picking up, we decided to go ahead and leave about 5 to take shelter at our parents' houses out in Katy. Kaleb will be exceptionally safe. Woman's is built to withstand hurricane force winds, and the hospital has back-up generators in case they lose power.
Anyway, Kaleb couldn't really have a care in the world right now. They've continued to increase his milk intake so that he can eventually be weened off of the IV fluids, but now they will be administering 2 of his 8 feedings through his nose tube so that he doesn't get worn out and burn off too many calories just by eating.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
LL Cool K
Speaking of disconcerting, have you ever seen what it looks like when you burp a preemie? Seriously, how much does it look like someone needs to call child protective services in this picture of Sara burping Kaleb? And does he look a little like a turtle? ...just asking...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
At the Head of His Class
Kaleb is up to 29 mL every three hours, and he is downing it no problem! That means he is excruciatingly close to his goal of taking 30 mL in 30 minutes.
And the doctors are taking notice, too. Kaleb has three main goals that he must achieve before he can come home: 1) drink the 30 mL in 30 minutes (oh so close), 2) consistently gain weight (he's on his way), and 3) maintain his temperature when outside his isolette (unclear how well he's doing here but seems pretty good).
In terms of developing and achieving NICU exodus, Kaleb's doctor told us today that she considers Kaleb the Head of His Class. They keep asking things of him that his little body just should not be able to handle, and he keeps on delivering.
Up to this point, no one has really talked dates with us in terms of when Kaleb will be able to come home. It is always discussed in the abstract: in a few weeks, when he's ready, etc.
The consensus seems to be that preemies usually aren't ready to come home until a couple of weeks before their scheduled due date, which would be another four weeks. But today, Kaleb's doctor suggested that he may be ready to come home as early as 35 weeks, which is just NEXT WEEK!!! We're ecstatic that Kaleb is doing so well and know that we are so very blessed that he has not had any problems. We just hope everything keeps going so well.
In terms of developing and achieving NICU exodus, Kaleb's doctor told us today that she considers Kaleb the Head of His Class. They keep asking things of him that his little body just should not be able to handle, and he keeps on delivering.
Up to this point, no one has really talked dates with us in terms of when Kaleb will be able to come home. It is always discussed in the abstract: in a few weeks, when he's ready, etc.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Hulk
Monday, September 8, 2008
No News is Good News
Not much happened today. Kaleb is doing so well with his feedings that he now gets 19 mL's every three hours. And every day he seems stronger and more ready to come home.
Josh will take some time off when Kaleb comes home but is going back to work while Kaleb is in the NICU. Luckliy, his office is very close to Woman's, and the people that he works with are flexible and very understanding. So he'll still get to see Kaleb several times a day.
And with Josh back at work, it looks like Sara's mom will get to play cab driver for the next week or so while Sara's still loopy on pain meds.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Who Am I?
Time to Start Packing on the Pounds
But hopefully, he won't need them anymore. Kaleb's bilirubin level has stabilized, and he doesn't have to stay beneath the light anymore.
Other than that, Kaleb just keeps getting stronger. They've upped his milk intake to 14 mL's per meal and continue to decrease his reliance on the IV. He also seems to have completed his post-birth weight dip and has started gaining weight. He really only dropped a few ounces (he went from 4 lbs 1.6 oz at birth to 3 lbs 13 oz Friday-Saturday) and has now come back up to 3 lbs 15 oz.
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