The morning of his birthday, we all went to get Colton out of his crib, and he was very surprised! Josh and I had decorated the breakfast area in everything Sesame Street (including a larger-than-life Elmo balloon) the night before so both boys were quite excited. Colt, unfortunately, was and still is terrified of the Elmo balloon. Bummer. It seemed so cool in the store!
We had a fun birthday morning of presents and breakfast birthday cake (monkey bread), followed by swimming lessons and lunch (Chick-fil-a) at the park. Josh had to go out of town later that day so the boys and I just played/napped most of the afternoon. We ended Colt's birthday celebration with ice cream sundaes from Sonic.
Colt's 2 year stats: 29.6 pounds (69%) and 35" tall (67%). Not too shabby! (Kaleb at age 2 was 28 pounds and also 35", if we're comparing them.)