There is a lawyer in Houston who throws an amazing (ridiculously amazing) holiday party each year. There is delicious food & too many goodies to count, a concert (this year was Sting), about 2 dozen carnival rides & inflatable bounce-house toys, a carousel, and a petting zoo. Oh, and not to mention that he has his own train, zoo (complete with lemurs and kangaroos), and park-size playground already at his house. :) So....this year we took the kids, and Kaleb had a BLAST. Next year Colton will too!

K was pretty impressed that only chicken wire separated him and a kangaroo.

First cotton candy EVER. Stickiest mess EVER.

Petting zoo - there was a goat, a cow, a donkey, ducks, chickens, a bunny, a little pig, and more goats.

Colt was a little chilly.

Yay for inflatable slides!

He climbed this "rock wall" all by himself!

Always a fan of slides.

Getting colder....

Riding the carousel with Daddy!